ERCES is a system that brings wireless radio coverage throughout a building or campus. It is comprised of bi-directional amplifiers (BDA) or distributed antenna systems (DAS).


BDA extends radio coverage into hard-to-reach areas such as stairwells or parking garages, and DAS is a group of antennas placed throughout the building to boost coverage. With one of these systems in place, first responders can now have reliable radio and cellular coverage around the entire building in the event of an emergency. This clear communication can streamline travel inside a building keeping people safe and optimally responding potential problems.

Elevating Safety, Empowering Connections


Safety First

Enhance communication for first responders in your building and prevent loss of life during an emergency.


Simple Design

The BDA system is comprised of a base unit and antennas specifically placed throughout the building allowing radio connection from anywhere inside the building.


Law Abiding Service

In Florida, buildings are mandated to have this technology by 2025 at the latest. Paradyme can install ERCES- BDA or DAS to ensure you're equipped before it becomes a violation.

BDA Cabinet 

BDA Cabinets

Protect your building and those who serve it with reliable radio transmission that allows

first responders inside your building, and emergency personnel outside to communicate.